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Jody Roberts Jody Roberts

Ready to buzz

Why are we here?

In today’s landscape setting your organization apart from your competition requires utilizing all available resources at your disposal. That includes the often overlooked answers staring back at you from within the multitude of datasets you probably already collect. We know that the constant swam of data chaos can always use a data-wrangler to find these results and we’re here to help.

Why Hornet’s Nest IO?

We chose the name Hornet’s Nest because its easy to visualize the chaos surrounding a hive and that flurry of activity is synonymous with the constant input and output experienced in a modern data driven organization.

What do we do?

We offer a data driven approach to helping your organization achieve its goals. Our team comes from a background encompassing multiple industries and competencies.

Our services include a white-glove approach to meeting your needs. We focus on areas related to building a strategy & roadmap, product process improvement, project/program management, privacy (including experience with CCPA & GDPR), along with general mentoring and coaching. Our goal is to help you achieve your results using data but also lay a framework for your team to thrive.

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